Gift Policy & Disclosure


As part of the conflict of interest policy, Cradle of Hope requires that directors, officers, and employees decline to accept certain gifts, consideration of remuneration from individuals or companies that seek to do business with Cradle of hope or are a competitor of it. This policy and disclosure form are intended to implement that prohibition on gifts.

Section 1. “Responsible Person” is any person serving as an officer, employee, or a member of the board of directors of Cradle of Hope.

Section 2. “Family Member” is a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child or spouse of a child, or a brother, sister, or spouse of a brother or sister, of a Responsible Person.

Section 3. “Contract of Transaction” is any agreement or relationship involving the sale or purchase of goods, services, or rights of any kind, receipt of a loan or grant, or the establishment of any other pecuniary relationship. The making of a gift to Cradle of Hope is not a “contract” or “transaction”.

Section 4. Prohibited gifts, gratuities and entertainment. Except as approved by the Chairman of the Board or his designee or for gifts of a value less than $50 which could not be refused without discourtesy, no Responsible Person or Family Member shall accept gifts, entertainment or other favors from any person or entity which:

1. Does or seeks to do business with Cradle of Hope or,

2. Does or seeks to compete with Cradle of Hope or,

3. Has received, is receiving, or is seeking to receive a Contract or Transaction with Cradle of Hope.


I certify that I have read the above policy concerning gifts, and I agree that I will not accept gifts, entertainment or other favors from any individual or entity, which would be prohibited by the above policy. Following my initial statement, I agree to provide a signed statement at the end of each calendar year certifying that I have not received any such gifts, entertainment or other favors during the preceding year.


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January 21, 2022 8:58 pm CSTGift Policy & Disclosure Uploaded by Darlene Kopesky - IP