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Board of Directors

Cradle of Hope is governed by a 7-member board of directors made up of four officers and three members whose primary purpose is to oversee the organization and to help raise funds.  The board utilizes a committee system comprised of three committees:  Executive, Finance, and Development.  Issues are delegated to committees with special expertise.  The committees research and review each particular issue and make recommendations to the full board where all decisions are made by majority rule. All board members also participate in fundraising activities.

Reflective of the clients served by Cradle of Hope, Board members represent all areas of the Twin City metropolitan area and include accountants, attorneys, business owners, consultants, analysts, homemakers, parents, grandparents, members who are single and married, and women who have encountered a challenging pregnancy.  Cradle of Hope’s Executive Director has direct input into the organizational decision-making process through reports and recommendations to the board of directors.

Board meetings are held on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 pm and take place every other month at the Cradle of Hope office located in Roseville, MN.

If you are interested in joining Cradle of Hope’s Board of Directors please contact the Executive Director at 651-636-3127. We welcome others who share in our mission and who are eager to get involved.

President – Chris Vatsaas

Vice President – Joe Kueppers

Secretary – Kristen Hanson

Treasurer – Brian Dobie

Emily Anderson

Laurie Murphy

Amanda Meyer