You can save a life! Your support provides hope to a family that once felt alone and desperate.


Host a Drive

In order to help moms choose life, it is essential to support her through this journey!  In addition to providing financial support, we provide material assistance which alleviates a tremendous amount of stress. Host a drive at your work, church, school, local agency/store, or neighborhood and begin collecting items today.  When you’re ready, contact Cradle of Hope to schedule a drop-off.

Baby Item Drive:  Collect baby items that can be used in our wellness baskets which are distributed to women preparing to be moms for the first time.  Items needed:  Diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, onesies, bibs, small blankets, baby tubs, laundry baskets, etc.

Transportation Drive:  Collect monthly “To Go” transportation cards which will be distributed to women who have recently given birth and have started their job search. With unlimited monthly access to a bus and train new moms will be able to find a job, provide financially for her new family, and become empowered!

The Cradle of Hope Giving Tree

The Cradle of Hope Giving Tree was created so all ages could participate in experiencing the joy of giving.

How does it work?

You can create your own “Giving Tree” and we will supply you with the wishes (tags) that can be placed on your tree branches.  Share these wishes with family and friends and allow them to pluck the wishes they hope to fulfill.  If you prefer to receive wishes from the Cradle of Hope Giving tree, staff will pluck these wishes and mail them directly to you. Once you pick a wish you can shop for the item.  Once you gather items together, contact us to drop them off at Cradle of Hope.  All items will be used to provide encouragement and support to families facing a crisis so they will choose life for their unborn baby.

Make this a family or group project by reading the book, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein and then gathering the items together.  You will feel good knowing that you helped save the life of a baby and transform a family’s future!

Supermarket Support – Family Support Bags

COMING SOON…Cradle of Hope is in the process of partnering with local supermarkets throughout Minnesota to have “Family Support Bags” available for purchase the next time you are grocery shopping.  Items include essential baby items such as newborn diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bibs, bottles, blankets, onesies, clothing, and rattles that will be used to fill a Wellness Basket.  Each basket will be given to a first time mom who recently chose to face her crisis and give birth to her baby!  If bags on are not available where you shop, you can create your own “Family Support Bag”.   Once your bag is ready, contact us to plan a day to drop your items off at Cradle of Hope.

Baby Bottle Bonanza

Looking for something that you can do to help Cradle of Hope with your friends, family, co-workers, Girl Scout troop, Boy Scout troop, Church Youth group or more? Contact Cradle of Hope today to host your very own “Baby Bottle Bonanza”.  We’ll provide you with a basket filled with Baby Bottles. Each baby bottle will have some information about Cradle of Hope that you can keep.  Your group will have 1 month to fill as many bottles as you can with coins, cash, or checks (made payable to: Cradle of Hope).  Return the basket & filled bottles to Cradle of Hope.  No need to count up your collection – we’ll do it for you.  You will be notified of what your group raised.  Be sure to take photos that we can share with others.  Interested in competing with other groups?  The group who raises the most money will be highlighted on the Cradle of Hope website.

Calling All Runners…

Run a race or even a marathon! Collect sponsorships and donate them to Cradle of Hope.

Coins for Cribs

Organize a “Coins for Cribs” collection at your business, school or church. A portable crib is available for check-out at the Cradle of Hope office.

Garage Sale

Designate proceeds from your garage sale to Cradle of Hope.

Host a Party

Designate proceeds from your birthday party, sporting event (Super Bowl) party, reunion, or “Girls Night Out” to Cradle of Hope.

You-nique Ideas

If you have a creative idea to fundraise for Cradle of Hope but need some help, please contact us and we will gladly support your efforts.

Please contact Cradle of Hope at (651) 636-3127

if you would like to receive any informational materials to include in your fundraising initiatives.