Cradle of Hope staff are dedicated, qualified individuals whose goal is to support moms and babies in crisis. Every effort is made to provide our services in a manner that is both high quality and non-discriminatory.
In the event of a complaint about our services, please adhere to the following procedure:
1. Discuss your concerns with the Executive Director. The Executive Director will collect the following information from you: your name, address, phone number, and details about the incident or concern which has led to the complaint. (If the Executive Director is not available, please contact the Director of Programs.)
2. The Executive Director will then contact the involved individual(s) and advise you when you can expect to hear back from Cradle of Hope.
3. If you are not satisfied that your concerns were adequately addressed, you may then request a review with the Executive Director. At the completion of this review, you will be advised when you can expect to hear back from Cradle of Hope.
4. If you are not satisfied that your concerns have been resolved by the Executive Director, you may then request Cradle of Hope’s Board of Directors to review and/or make a final decision.