Together we are making a difference! Learn how lives are being saved and transformed.


Cradle of Hope (formerly Project Life) is a pro-life organization that was founded by Ann Dickinson in 1973 after she witnessed pregnant women who were in serious need of help due to unplanned pregnancies. Using a $5,500 inheritance, she began to help five pregnant women. In February, 1974 Cradle of Hope was incorporated. Since then, Cradle of Hope has allocated over $9.5 million to more than 75,000 Minnesota moms and babies who faced a crisis related to the pregnancy or birth. With advocates at over a hundred agencies referring women for our assistance, Cradle of Hope spans the state to help provide a positive alternative to abortion and promote the sanctity of human life.

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(Left to right:  Cynthia Godin-Director of Programs, Ann Dickinson-Founder, Darlene Kopesky-Executive Director)